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  • Writer's pictureBrooke Roy

Trusting in the Transition

According to ‘Webster’s Dictionary,’ the definition for trust is: assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something. I would imagine that every person has found themselves both wounded in a position of mistrust, along with inflicting pain from being untrustworthy. Whether it be words not aligning with actions, unwillingness to open up (vulnerability), gossip, lack of self-control, criticism, broken promises, sarcasm, or demanding/aggressive behaviour, these all present the opportunity to put a wedge in relationships. Throughout our lives, there will be friends, family members, romantic partners, and authority figures who do not model God’s character well. Because of this, it can shape the way that we perceive who God is. The truth is, God is completely trustworthy.

"For the Lord is always good and ready to receive you.

He’s so loving that it will amaze you—

so kind that it will astound you!

And he is famous for his faithfulness toward all.

Everyone knows our God can be trusted,

for he keeps his promises to every generation!"

Psalm 100:5 TPT

God is committed to us. He is committed to never leave. He is committed to caring for us. He is committed to seeing us grow. He is committed to giving us the grace to go through the challenge. He is committed to believing in us. However, how can we trust in Him being committed, if our hearts are full of mistrust and hardened by neglected wounds? God wants to reveal situations throughout our lives that caused pain. It’s not to make us feel shameful or weighed down. He wants us to invite Him in so that He can bring healing and restoration. There is no heart too hard that His love cannot soften. As we let Love in, trust builds because we experience the goodness of God.

"O my people, trust in him at all times.

Pour out your heart to him,

for God is our refuge." Psalm 62:8 NLT

Meet Dak, our 2008 4WD Toyota Hilux

We bought our first vehicle!

With choosing to say ‘yes’ to the invitation God gives, there is bound to be change. For myself and nine others, this meant trusting for finances to purchase a vehicle and to rent a moving van. We prayed. We were trusting for a home to accommodate the ten of us although only a handful seemed to be on the market. We prayed. The weeks were drawing near to the day that we were to begin our journey up North. We continued to pray and hold onto what God had spoken. God provided for our team’s needs! Miraculously, we were able to buy a 4WD just three weeks before the move (full story in the video below). We flew two of the team to Broome on a house hunt. They were shown a remarkable place that would fit us all. We prayed. We applied, waited, and prayed some more. Less than two weeks to the move, we were granted a 12-month lease. One week until the move, I had no mattress and was given a mattress. I had no bed frame and was given not just one, but two (this was provision for myself and my roommate to be). On September 15th, we pulled away from Perth and started the road trip to our new home in Broome, with our moving van leading the way. Transition creates the opportunity to trust God.

"Trust in the Lord completely,

and do not rely on your own opinions.

With all your heart rely on him to guide you,

and he will lead you in every decision you make." Proverbs 3:5 TPT

Moving to Broome

Now that we had arrived, it was time to get connected. We split into pairs to introduce ourselves to the neighbours. Prior to going house to house, we had prayed. Something that came to mind was the word, ‘invitation.’ So with that in mind, we went out inviting people over for a cuppa. For whatever reason, ‘cuppa,’ wasn’t coming out of my mouth. Sooner than later, the whole street had been invited over for a barbeque and a swim. The response was rather positive. Sharing back with the team, on the other hand, left everyone a bit baffled. We did not own a grill! This was another opportunity to be in faith.

Hospitality is a wholesome way to build relationships. While hanging out with a new friend of ours, we were able to share the many ways that our prayers were being answered. Our running joke, the story of our non-existent grill was told too. Throughout this week, God had put it on our friend’s heart to buy us a barbeque. So she did; an absolute beauty with all the accessories! In addition to this, another set of friends had come over for a meal. They realized that we didn’t have a table as we were seated on the couches or floor. The team had been out and about one morning and we came home to two sets of brand new patio furniture! As a whole, our team has been deeply encouraged by the generosity and kindness from people simply listening to God whispering to them, and responding with a 'yes.' We are so eager to show hospitality in this community!

We have been blessed in abundance!

It has officially been one month of living in Broome. There have been new connections built, and pre-existing relationships deepened. We have been able to come alongside and support local government programs and the local church. One of my favourite moments thus far has been volunteering with ‘Feed the Little Children.’ The organization has seen a drop in juvenile theft activity, and an increase in school attendance. Being able to make a difference in such a practical way has been incredibly life-giving! On another note, I can’t lie, acclimatizing to the tropical climate has been challenging, but there’s been so much grace extended to me. Anyways, it has been a bit surreal to be living out what I started dreaming about in July 2019.

I would like to thank every one of my supporters for being a part of this journey. Every prayer and financial gift has meant the world to me. For more information, check out my 'giving' page. With that, here's some very exciting news which I did not anticipate happening already. The love of God is so extravagant!

Surprise...we got a second vehicle!

Meet Whitley, our 2009 AWD Toyota RAV4


Fresh Donuts - Les' Donuts & Hotdogs {Courthouse Market, Broome) 

Les has been bringing smiles to people for the past 14 years. His donuts are served hot, soft, and delicious. They are a classic that you just can't go wrong with. Getting to watch the creation process is always a bonus. I think Broome tourism sites need to add these donuts to 'the Broome experience.'


Blessings, Brooke

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